Tanach on Demand
Mishna on Demand
Hanukkah Song Sheets

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Master photographer David Frank's photos. Now available on-line!

Downloading Help for Tanach on Demand Files

Tanach on Demand offers two types of files, PDF files and TIFF files. (The PDF files are used for multiple Tanach verses, which you can print out. The TIFF files are used for single Tanach verses, which you import into your other word-processor documents.) Most browsers can display PDF files automatically, so all you have to do is click on the PDF link to see your file and then, if you want, save it.

However, many browsers have problems displaying the TIFF files we use. Besides, you have to download the TIFF files for them to be useful. Here's how to download them:

From Windows Internet Explorer, right click on the Tanach link, and then choose "Save Target As...". Enter a filename and file location. Don't forget the name or location, because you will need to know them when you import the file into your word-processing document.

To download the Tanach graphics files from the increasingly popular Firefox browser, right click on the link, and then choose "Save Link As...". Once again, don't forget the location and name of the file.

Whichever browser you use, there's a good chance that by default the name of the download will have ".cgi" for an ending. You should change the ending to ".tif" for TIFF files, and to ".pdf" for PDF files.

Both the Tanach on Demand PDF files and the Tanach on Demand TIFF files are self-contained units, containing all of the Hebrew fonts you need, so you can view them without installing any extra Hebrew software on your computer.

PDF files from multiple verses.
Graphics files from a single verse.
How to use graphics images.
FAQ (coming soon)